Bonum et Malum

Created from the ashes of Telos, Kamikiller had one purpose, hunt down and annihilate Telos.
After disobeying Death, Telos became a renegade apprentice.
In their first encounter, a battle of epic proportions has ensued. Kamikiller forged from the ashes of Telos, was almost as strong as he, almost but not entirely.
Being trained by the grandmaster Ursos and fighting Lykos in so many duels has taught Telos a handful of techniques that gave him the upper hand to defeat Kamikiller.
Being a worthy adversary Kamikiller might have lost his arm but not his purpose. After their first clash, injured but not defeated, he fled into the underworld for another chance to meet again.
But this time around Telos is coming after him, and he will be aiming for the head.
Bonum et Malum is coming end of June make sure you don't miss out
Karmieh Toys List
How could you become new, if you had not first become ashes?
Kami Killer
Coming June 2020
Coming soon to a theater near us? Kidding but kind of not…excited for this release!
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