Collecting Joy: The Satisfaction of Seeing My Designs Come to Life

I often pause and reflect on the amazingness of the moment when I see my beloved collectors proudly displaying the toys that I designed.
It is a moment of pure joy and delight - one that I will forever cherish. The knowledge that I had a hand in bringing a bit of happiness into their lives fills me with immense satisfaction and delight.
I can only hope that my collectors understand how much joy it brings to me to see the toys that I designed in their homes.
If you have any questions or thoughts, please leave a comment below or you can email me: for any enquiries.
I hope you found this article helpful, if you would like to learn more about the process that goes behind Designer Toys, you can join me on Patreon
And you can check out my YouTube channel where I post videos about Making of Art Toys, tools, paints, primers and evertyhing you need to know to create your own art toy.
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